48 hours without new media

A challenge I tried to complete was going 48 hours without using new media.  This included my cell phone, Internet, Facebook, X-Box, iPod and anything else you would incorporate with that.  It was the most challenging assignment I've had to do.  We subconsciously use our cell phone and other devices.  It took all I had to stay away from new media.  I was driving myself crazy.  I didn't realize how addicted I was to these devices.  If I wanted to communicate with someone by phone I had to use a landline, but who has landlines anymore?  Do they even exist still? 
I’ll tell you how absorbed I am in new media.  Right now as I write this post I am sitting on my laptop with my E-mail, Facebook and YouTube open as well as this blog.  I also have my X-Box turned on streaming music.  My iPhone is sitting right next to me so I can text.  I’m a multi user.   Asking me to go 48 hours without this is quite absurd.   What would I do with my time?  It came down to the last couple weeks of school before I gave it a go.  It was Easter weekend and I was going to spend time with my family.  I wouldn’t have to worry about new media because I would be so busy with my family right?  Wrong.  I can honestly say I made it the 48 hours, but it was no easy task to say the least.  I kept myself busy playing baseball with my nephews.  We went on hikes and explored, but still in the back of my mind I was wondering what everyone was up to.  Is someone trying to get a hold of me?  The answer to that question was no.  It was immediately humbling to find out I didn’t miss any important texts or calls and no one wrote me anything on Facebook or E-mail.  Did people even notice I was gone?  Probably not and no one may even read this post.  The neat thing is when my 48 hours was over I didn’t really have a huge desire to check my Facebook.  It was kind of nice to be free from the drama seen online.  It was a nice cleanse.
So if anybody out there is reading this post I would encourage you to try to go without new media.  How long will you last?  How addicted are you?  Try it and see. 

Iphone 4 - Official Video - HD

The iPhone

So it is official!  I’m finally part of the new world now that I have partaken of the goodness and got an iPhone.  I told myself as soon as Verizon started carrying it I would get it.  I didn’t waste any time to get my new gadget and it has been nothing but amazing since.  The iPhone has everything you would want or need for a device.  My wife and I were preparing to buy a car recently and were dealing with a person in Las Vegas.  I wanted to make sure the car was as good as he said when I realized I could find an app to run a car fax on it.  Sure enough I was able to get an app that gave me all the information I wanted.  There are a lot of new emerging products that can get help serve different people.  I contemplated on getting an iPad, but now I have used the iPhone I find no reason for the iPad.  Everything I need is right on my iPhone, and it is more compact and easy to carry.  This is what people want now.  They want to be able to have easy access and easy to use.  I have noticed that tablets such as the iPad are being marketed to businesses now.  My wife works and a dental office and I know they have been informed about apps that can be used in the office.  I see the market focus change on iPad users.  Of course the iPad or tablet can be used by anyone, but I think people can get the same use out of a iPhone or Droid as they would a tablet.  It would be easier to carry and manage.  The great thing about smartphones is the fact that you can make in your own.  You now have the choice between a Droid and iPhone on the large cell phone providers.  I chose to go with the iPhone.   You can personalize your phone with the freedom off apps you can use.  There are apps for every type of person and anything you need.  I am definitely getting my money’s worth for my phone.  It has everything I need on one device.